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Infrared Thermal Camera In Bearing Detection

2020-11-02 16:30

In industrial production, bearing overheating will directly lead to motor faults, affecting the production process, resulting in economic losses. Therefore, the bearing detection is very important, at this time the infrared thermal camera will be used.


First, why to use the infrared thermal camera to test the bearing

In general, PDM (Predictive maintenance) technology is required for vibration analysis of bearings with large dimensions, accessibility, and relatively high speeds, but this analysis can only be performed safely if sensors are installed on the bearings.

For bearings with relatively small dimensions (such as conveyor rollers), low running speed, and inaccessibility, infrared thermal imaging is an excellent detection method. In most cases, the infrared thermal camera can be placed in a safe position to perform thermal imaging examination of the bearing while the equipment is in operation. The time of capturing the thermal image using Yoseen infrared thermal camera is shorter than the time of vibration analysis, and it can also help us determine whether the hot spot condition is normal.


How to detect bearing by infrared thermal camera?

When the bearing overheats, it will appear as a hot spot in the infrared thermal image, and the temperature is higher than the surrounding temperature. When the temperature exceeds the set value, an alarm will be given. At this time, the staff shall take measures.


In general, it is very effective to design a regular check path that includes all critical rotation devices. If there is already a path for periodic vibration analysis inspection, it is easy to add the infrared thermal imaging inspection method to these existing bearing monitoring methods. Infrared thermal camera can be used to monitor the equipment in real time and analyze the temperature. If there is any abnormality, the staff can be reminded by the alarm to avoid unnecessary losses.


Bearing detection is very important for industrial production, prevention is the best way. Yoseen infrared thermal camera is imported detector, accurate temperature measurement, imaging clear, cost-effective, is a very good choice!